How to Get Consistent Bookings for Airbnb by Leveraging Direct Booking Websites

If you are an Airbnb host looking to achieve consistent bookings, you’re not the only one. In this article, we'll reveal the ultimate strategy to secure steady reservations.

Spoiler alert: the secret is in enticing guests to return time and time again. By leveraging the advantages of direct booking websites and implementing a rewarding loyalty program, you'll be on your way to maximize your bookings and create a loyal base of repeat guests.

But first, let’s get started by answering the big question.

The Big Question: Why Am I Not Getting Consistent Bookings on Airbnb?

The answer: There are many reasons. Yes, it’s that simple, and many of them are out of your control — seasonality, competition, mysterious Airbnb algorithm changes. These are things that you can struggle to fight, but you won’t win. So, let’s get straight into what you can do to take control of your business and drive guests to your rental, regardless of weather, Airbnbs popping up around you, or a platform making code changes that don’t favor you.

Enter the power of direct booking websites…

The Power of Direct Booking Websites

Airbnb can’t be the only channel for your vacation rental marketing. Hosts are wising up to this and creating their own direct booking websites.

…And for good reason.

In a world dominated by online travel agencies (OTAs), having your own direct booking website can be a game-changer. It allows you to take control of your property listings, brand identity, and guest interactions. Here's why having a direct booking website is crucial for consistent bookings:

  1. Showcase Your Unique Brand: Your direct booking website serves as a platform to reflect your property's personality and unique offerings. Guests are more likely to remember and choose your property over others when they connect with your brand's story and values.

  2. Direct Communication and Personalized Experiences: By engaging directly with your guests through your website, you can provide a personalized touch that sets you apart from the competition. Promptly address their inquiries, provide tailored recommendations, and make them feel valued throughout their booking journey.

  3. Bypass OTA Fees: One of the significant advantages of direct bookings is the elimination of hefty OTA fees. Both hosts and guests benefit from reduced costs, making your property even more attractive to potential guests.

Pro Tip: If you’re interested in how to get a direct booking site for free, see this article. Depending on your needs, there are some paid options too, but generally speaking, you should be able to set up a site for relatively cheap.

Driving Repeat Bookings with Rewarding Loyalty Programs

Once you have your direct booking website up and running, it's time to create an irresistible loyalty program to drive repeat bookings. Here's how to make it happen:

  1. Reward Points for Stays: Implement a points-based system that rewards guests for their loyalty. Rewarding points for booking rentals is a strategic approach that you can adopt to enhance guest loyalty and drive repeat business. By offering points for each booking, you create a compelling incentive for guests to choose your rental property over others the next time they book. These points serve as a currency of appreciation, which allow you to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with your guests. In turn, you benefit from increased guest retention, positive reviews, and the potential for an expanding network of loyal customers who continuously choose your rentals for their future travel needs. We didn’t invent this trick….hotels have been using it for years becasue it works.

  2. Reward Points for Referrals: If you have a happy guest, ask them to refer a friend. When they do, give them a few points. We recommend 1000 points (or $10 worth) for each referral. Referrals serve as a powerful endorsement of you property, showcasing the trust and satisfaction that guests have experienced firsthand. When hosts reward points for referrals, they create a win-win situation: guests are motivated to share their positive experiences with friends and family, while hosts benefit from the increased visibility and potential bookings. Furthermore, this referral-based loyalty approach cultivates a sense of community and strengthens guest relationships, as guests become enthusiastic advocates who actively promote the host's property. With each successful referral, hosts not only expand their reach but also cultivate a loyal customer base that continues to bring new guests through the door.

Pro Tip: If you’re interested in offering rewards points, this is done automatically for you when guests book via your direct booking site by using the48dots booking engine. You can also manually offer reward points when guests book directly on Airbnb or a guest refers you via your dashboard on the48dots. Offering rewards for guests that book on Airbnb may be a good incentive for them to share their emails with you.

Creating a funnel

As we mentioned above, Airbnb can’t be your only strategy for maintaining consistent bookings. But, it’s also not enough just to build a site and offer points. You need to create a funnel and engage in marketing activities. The good news is, many of these activities can be automated.

  1. Create a Unique Angle: What makes your direct booking site unique? Do you talk about local gems? Show progress photos? Share a unique cultural perspective? Blogging or sharing pictures about your unique angle will draw new visitors in. This works for Instagram, SEO, and even repeat guests.

  2. Engage Through Email Marketing: Regularly communicate with your loyal guests through email newsletters. Don’t think they care? They do! Guests will want to relive their vacation over and over again, so they will be interested in keeping up with experiences that remind them of their vacation. Don’t loose the opportunity to draw guests back. It’s truly the best way to get consistent bookings for your Airbnb. Staying top of mind will ensure that they choose your property for their future stays.

Ok, but this sounds like a lot of work, right? Wrong! You have options:

  • Build Automation Funnels Yourself: With popular tools like Wix, Hubspot, ChatGTP, Mailchimp, and Zapier, you can set up a system that just ‘works’ for you. None of these options come with the free direct booking site mentioned above but they aren’t terribly expensive either. We should also call out that marketing automation is not zero effort either, but no business is. Automation is, however, low effort to do things like:

    • Draw in new visitors to your site through SEO and get them to sign up for a mailing list — this takes time, but once it works…it’s a dog that hunts for you

    • Write a blog and automatically send out a newsletter

    • Upload an image and have it propagate to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok

  • Have the48dots do it for you. If you’re a tech newbie, don’t worry. We can do all this for you. Simply contact us, and we’ll get to know your needs in order to build the right direct website, rewards program, and marketing automation for your short term rental.


A Great Hack to Improve SEO for Vacation Rentals- Google Reviews


The Pros and Cons of Direct Booking Websites vs OTA